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Bentley Lewis

The light bulb did not come from the continuous improvement of candles..

Starting a business is mentally tough. People think about every excuse possible not to get started. It’s not the right time or the business plan is not perfect. If we sit around long enough, we can dream up anything. What you find is that it’s the people that take action who are the ones most likely to succeed. You’re never quite ready for the situations that happen when you run a business. 

When something goes wrong people start to look around to see who is going to step up and lead. When those moments come, and you look around to find you’re the person people are looking to, or you’re in fact the only person in your business, is the moment you realise whether it’s for you. Few people are willing to make the sacrifice and it can feel extremely heavy at times. That being said, the person who enjoys tough situations and helping their team members to succeed will enjoy running a business the most.

I learned early on that life isn’t fair. I know we all want it to be, it’s just not. My father taught me our Jewish family history. We have been persecuted and moved around from one country to another for so many years it gets you thinking. Why did my Grandfather at age 45yrs, and so many like him, dust themselves down after expulsion from their countries of birth and rebuild their lives in the most exceptional way? Why did Neilson Mandela become the man he did after so much happened to him?

These sad truths about society and factors out of our control exist, but it is how you think about them that determines the outcome of your life and reality. A strong mind-set and exceptional work ethic are the two lessons I’ve taken with me through life. There are times when people judge me or I’m held to different standards than others for a million different reasons. These are the moments you learn the most about yourself, and I make sure I’m the best I can possibly be.

Lewis Maleh, Founder
Learn more about Bentley Lewis


Title quote: Oren Harari